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Narrative Design and Execution for Growing Companies

Flag & Frontier helps your team craft a powerful narrative, put your message into action, and show buyers why you’re the only choice.

Why We’re Obsessed With Fixing Market Indifference

GTM Doesn’t Work If Buyers Don’t Know Why You're Different

Investors and Partners Can’t Support Your Strategy Unless They See Your Vision

Your Revenue Team Won’t Be Effective If They Can’t Put Your Story Into Action

We Equip Your Team With the
Right Narrative
and the Right Plans to Show Buyers Why You Matter

Craft a Powerful Narrative

  • Clarify the problem your business is solving and who you’re solving it for.
  • Determine your strategy: win an emerging market, niche down, or design a category.
  • Craft a meaningful Point of View narrative that shows why your company matters.

Develop an Action Plan

  • Align your team around your narrative and know how it will impact their work.
  • Execute your narrative with tools and templates that help your team work quickly.
  • Develop and execute campaigns and content strateg that shift the minds of buyers.

Overcome Market Biases

  • Identify the hidden biases that keep buyers, investors, and partners away.
  • Condition the market to see your solution as the only obvious choice.
  • Improve ROAS with language that ‘clicks’ and drives word-of-mouth.

Optimize With Systems

  • Track metrics to see if you are creating the right shifts in the minds of your buyers.
  • Catch changes in the market and competition that could impact your strategy.
  • Obtain feedback, insights, and accountability through executive advisory calls.

Outcomes You Can Expect

An Aligned, Efficient Team

Once your team is on the same page about what your company stands for, decisions about where to head become so much easier. Put opinions and politics behind you and move forward as one.

Lower Cost of Growth

When you’re equipped with a powerful story about why your company matters – and have the clarity on how to use that in your GTM, the cost of acquiring and keeping customers only goes down.

A Competitive Position

Companies that are clear on the right position to occupy in the market are much more likely to build a durable business. Having buyers see you as the only obvious choice is the ultimate advantage.

Why Build and Evangelize Your Narrative Now?

The Growth at All Costs Era is Over

Last decade, growth-oriented companies could get away with acquiring customers at any cost. If they didn’t have a strong narrative and a plan to condition the market, they could still find buyers through brute force. Those days are behind us. Now, if you can’t grow efficiently, you can’t grow at all.

Buyers Have Too Much Information to Process

There are so many other ideas vying for attention that it’s hard to stand out. Anything that isn’t seen as unique, meaningful, and relevant gets written off as a commodity or an unnecessary distraction.

Marketing Has Over-Indexed On Attribution

Many GTM teams have been lured into building their plans around what they can attribute instead of what will actually influence customers. As a result, money and effort are wasted on optimizing things that won’t move the needle.

Revenue Teams Have Become Hyper-Specialized

Getting such diverse teams aligned around a plan to make shifts in the minds of buyers is like herding cats. Throw in investor comms, PR, and analyst relations, and it’s no wonder that few teams can deliver an effective message to the market.

How to Get Started

Flag & Frontier partners with clients on a monthly basis, with a 3-month minimum for all engagements. We can help you in an advisory capacity, expand your bandwidth by working alongside your team, or come on as your fractional CMO.

Engagements start at $3,497/month.

Why Flag & Frontier

We’re the only consultancy specifically focused on helping growing B2B startups bridge the gap between narrative development and GTM execution.

Our founder, John Rougeux, has focused his career on learning what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to building and operationalizing narratives.

He is one of the few people in the world with deep experience in both marketing and category strategy. Learn more about John on LinkedIn.

Why Flag & Frontier

We’re the only consultancy specifically focused on helping growing companies bridge the gap between narrative development and GTM execution.

Our founder, John Rougeux, has focused his career on learning what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to building and operationalizing narratives.

He is one of the few people with deep experience in both marketing and category strategy. Learn more about John on LinkedIn.

John Rougeux, founder of Flag & Frontier

What These Leaders Say About John

"John possesses the rare skill to take a big messy problem and create a plan to tackle it with extreme detail and clear ownership."
Steve Pacinelli

Steve Pacinelli


"John helped our company move forward at a pivotal moment. He helped us improve our Point of View, make sure the problem/solution logic was solid, and tighten our story."
Lauren Pufpaf

Lauren Pufpaf

Feed Media Group

"John's experience when it comes to category design is invaluable. His real-world experience and considerable time studying has given him a deep understanding of what it takes."
Kathleen Booth

Kathleen Booth

SVP Marketing & Growth

"John is a well-educated marketing leader who excels in brand building for SaaS businesses, from inception to delivery. I would highly recommend him."
Wayne Arthur

Wayne Arthur


"John made an incredible impact on our marketing strategy. His insightful and creative approach helped us to differentiate ourselves in a crowded market at a critical time for our company."
Rosa Shores

Rosa Shores


"John is one of the brightest minds I’ve ever met in B2B marketing. On top of being brilliant, he's one of the kindest humans you’ll ever meet. If you ever get the chance to work with him... do it."
James Carbary

James Carbary

Sweet Fish Media